Wednesday, December 9, 2009

A Long Overdue Update

Wow; so the last update I posted to this blog was over a month ago, on November 8th.  Needless to say, it has been a busy time in my life, and not just with wedding planning--indeed, wedding planning has taken somewhat of a back seat lately.

Oh, by the way:

Obviously, my participation in the National Novel Writing Month program for November 2009 took up a good deal of time, even though I'd met my word count goal of 50,000 words by the middle of the month.  The novel is currently out to a bunch of people to solicit feedback and comments as I look at revising the first draft work I completed.  My current goal is to achieve a somewhat-finished version of the novel by June of next year so that I can take advantage of a NaNoWriMo winner's perk: having a paperback copy of my novel printed out and mailed to me.

(Cover art almost certainly subject to change.)

Aside from that, Katelyn and I took advantage of the extended Thanksgiving holiday to travel back to her home state of Michigan and visit her family and friends there between November 22nd and 30th.  I'll have a write-up of that trip posted here at some point; I hope, anyway.

On the wedding planning front--because, after all, this is a wedding planning blog--Katelyn took point on contacting potential wedding photographers for our event.  She has a much better eye for photography than I do, she has a better idea of what she's looking for from photographers, and she had more time to start the process while I was buried in novel-writing.  At this point, she has narrowed her focus down to about three potential photographers, so at some point before too long we should be able to make an announcement about who will be doing photography for our wedding along with some links to their website so that you all can see other weddings that they have covered.  As much as we are trying to keep the costs of our wedding to a reasonable range, Katelyn and I have both agreed that good photography is something that can be splurged on; after all, the event only happens once, so we don't want to cheap out and end up having disappointing photos from our one shot at documenting the wedding.

As for my wedding planning duties, now that the semester is drawing to a close and I'm beginning to have a little more free time, I am starting the inquiries for caterers to serve food at our wedding.  This is still in the very early stages (I literally just sent my first "feeler" messages out on Monday), and there will be a lot to consider in terms of what we need to have covered for our guests and which caterer can put together the most appropriate package for what we need.  Hopefully we'll be able to share information about who will be catering our ceremony before too long as well.

That's about all of the updating on the wedding planning front; my apologies to those loyal visitors who I alienated over the past month without updates, and I hope to once again be able to write posts to this blog with some regularity in the coming days and weeks.

Thank you all!

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